Friday, May 1, 2015

Always looking over your shoulder, making sure there is no possibility of something making your heart stop beating and your brain stop firing. That is what women feel on a daily basis as they walk down the street. At least I do. Maybe I’ve seen too many episodes of Law and Order SVU.  Around every corner is someone on PCP looking to strip naked and stab me to death. That’s a real healthy way to take a stroll downtown. Imagining all the crazed drug addicts hiding in the shadows, waiting for pretty little thing like me with a nice jacket on to walk by so they can snap, leave reality, murder me, eat me, and toss me in the dumpster next to their bed. I’m obviously extremely paranoid, although I like to refer to myself as a chronic worrier. I don’t think EVERYONE is out to get me, I just think all the people that would love to chop me up could be anywhere. Could be right next to me. Thoma could be attempting to murder me today. Who knows? I mean think about how many people get killed every single day. Odds are, somebody’s getting sliced and diced soon. With my luck, probably me. I just hope that when I die, there is a movie about me. I hope I die in the most awesome way possible. If I ever get diagnosed with cancer or some stupid SHIT like that, I’m just going to fly on down the Columbia, buy a giant bag of pure cocaine, and go out the good way. I’m not dying after chemo. No way am I going to sit there and die. Of course at the rate America is going, I’ll probably become enslaved to some Chinese Overlord and work in the fields until the nuclear radiation from the war shorts out my brain. Yes, I think I’m screwed when China takes over. We will ALL become enslaved, fugitives, or dead. Sorry I have absolutely no idea what I’m typing about anymore. My brain hurts. I didn’t get enough sleep last night, and my stupid husband and I fought this morning because since I can’t find a way to school in the AM, I had to drop my first class. Which is the one I was most excited about. POOP! I wish I had a car. Speaking of cars, that is what I am using my student loan money for. I haven’t decided what type of car I am getting yet, but I know I don’t want some Volkswagen POS. It is so difficult to find a good Honda or Nissan for my price range though. I wish Oprah or Ellen would give me a call, and give me a car while they are at it. Maybe like 50 grand too

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