Friday, May 1, 2015


Sometimes, I look at the sky, and I remember… Its not really blue. Its not blue at all, it is just a big giant swirling mass of gases held together by the immense gravity of Earths core, and the whole thing just so happens to be reflective. Which brings me to my next question. Is water blue? Tap water isn’t… Is it chlorinated water? Or is the salt? Or is it the crap from all the pretty sea creatures that turns the ocean blue? Maybe there isn’t even such a thing as blue. Blue may be completely relative. Blue may not even exist. Blue may be a figment of our imaginations, our eyes and brains finding a way for humans to have on edge on the rest of the living creatures on this planet. We may be the only living creatures in the universe that actually see the color blue as what we think of as blue. What chemical structure makes the blue part of a rainbow different from the yellow or red part of the rainbow? Extra tears? Extra pretty sea creature particles floating around after thunderstorms? Of course there are people out there who have most of the answers to these questions. I’m just too lazy to go look for them, as Id rather just sit here and ask myself.

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