Friday, May 1, 2015


The Lady or the Tiger?

When the Princess’s lover opened the door, he was surprised to find not a beautiful woman or a way to live, but a ferocious and starved tiger. The lover of the Princess had barely enough time to glance at his maiden in shock before he sprang into action. He immediately dove to the left and opened the other door, but there was no escape. Simply a cell with a beautiful woman inside.
Now, this commoner, he had skills. Many skills. Along with being amazingly handsome and brave, he also had an entire lifetime of experience of living on the streets. He was agile, fast, sneaky, and confident. So when he realized the other door held no escape for him, he did what any street rat would do to a stranger. He grabbed her by her hair and her waist, hoisted her up, and launched her into the grasp of the tiger. The beautiful woman didn’t even have a chance to scream before the tiger sank his teeth into the flesh of her neck and shoulder. The sight was gruesome, but it gave the commoner a chance.
In the split second between opening the first door and the second door, the princess had left the audience. The king, the spectators, they did not see this. They did not know, even the commoner did not know, that this had been her plan. They were in love after all, so she knew everything he was capable of.

BY: Coltney Fisher

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