Friday, May 1, 2015

Harry Potter APRIL 22ND
One of the things that I am most passionate about, and know the most about, and get most excited about, is Harry Potter. This includes the books written by JK Rowling, and also every Harry Potter movie made, and also includes all fan fiction. I include all fan fiction because anything written about Harry Potter, no matter who it is written by, is amazing and magical. Most magical, though, if it is written by me.
The reason I love Harry Potter so much is because they are the greatest books ever written by mankind. I don’t care what anyone else has to say, whether you think classical books, or non-fiction books are better, because you are WRONG. Harry Potter books are GENIUS. They are about more than just “magic”. They are about friendship, and love, and dedication, and perseverance, and overcoming obstacles big and small. They are about magic, and imagination, and deep thinking, and they open up your mind to things you would never even think about.  Harry Potter has brought more people together from different countries, ethnicities, backgrounds, religions, social groups, and more. It has unified an entire group of people, even people that are blind enough to not like Harry Potter have been included. Why? Because what are they talking about not liking? HARRY POTTER. Whether you love it, hate it, are obsessed with it, or have an urge to burn every copy ever printed, you still have Harry Potter on the brain. It’s amazing what a simple series can do to an entire race.
Now, more reasons I like Harry Potter.
First off, HP got me through almost every hardship I have ever faced in my life. When I am feeling like I’m all alone, I can relate to Harry. Or like I’m smarter than everyone around me, like Hermione. Or if I’m lost in a crowd of identical faces, like Ron. Or if I stand out like a giant oaf, laughed at and teased because I’m different, like Hagrid. Or like I’m seen as pure evil, no matter my real intentions, like Snape. There is someone to relate to in every sense of every book. When you really think about it, Harry Potter books have probably helped more people cope with everyday life than any other modern day book.

Something new that I just learned is that there is a REAL life sport called muggle quidditch, played by real people, in a different way since we don’t have flying broom sticks.

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