Friday, May 1, 2015


Where his eyebrows became AN eyebrow, his eyes half crossed, and he looked like he was doing my algebra homework he was so focused.
My son Kaesan is half Cambodian, and is the most beautiful baby boy in the entire world. He is two and a half years old, with the thick little tree trunk body of a linebacker, dark brown, almost black hair, light caramel skin, and the biggest brownest, most beautiful eyes in the entire UNIVERSE. His middle name is Maximus, after the movie Gladiator. He is the smartest kid I’ve ever seen. He is SO well behaved, always listening, and he can already have a full blown conversation with you. He loves the pretend he’s a dragon, especially while playing basketball with the 3,4 and 5 year olds. (Basketball if I didn’t write that he plays BASKETBALL with them) N

Now, I didn’t plan this, but he has a cousin that is barely over a year older than him, named Caden. Kaesan and Caden. Try remembering that at 70 years old! My grandparents get their names confused ALL the time. They mix up my name, my brother and sister, my cousins, my mom and my aunts, everyone has multiple names. But since Caden and Kaesan’s names sound so similar, it makes them extra confused, especially when they are watching both of them on the same afternoon. They get so frustrated. My grandmother, (Mawmaw) will yell at Caden saying “Kaesan!” and he responds with a ear piercing scream, “IM NOT KAESAN MAWMAW!” and since my Mawmaw is a spoiled brat at heart, she screams back and says “WELL WHOEVER YOU ARE< SHUT UP!”. This to me is the funniest thing in the world to watch. My Mawmaw gets so upset and so irritated with my son and his cousin, its like watching a baby trying to put a block through the wrong shaped hole, over a and over and over again. I don’t think she understands that talking to 2 and 3 year olds just doesn’t work when you’re screaming at them from across the house. My grandfather, (Pawpaw) on the other hand is the most patient man in the I know. He can fall asleep anywhere, anytime, and I just happen to be his favorite grandchild, and oldest granddaughter. (All my cousins are UGLY!)

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