Friday, May 1, 2015


I haven’t had any time to prepare myself or think of a writing topic so this might be a little sketchy. I’m supposed to just think up a story on the spot, something very difficult, which is why I’m a little irritated. But, I digress. Here we go!
As a new mom, of course I have lots of stories of my kids. The one I have in mind just happened the other day. My son, who is now two and a half, is learning how to use the toilet. Every time he has to use the restroom he will tell you, but not until after he fills his diaper. He has successfully peed one time, and as of now, pooped as well! The funniest part about this is that as my oldest, I have never seen a child attempt to sit on a toilet by themselves.
My son was playing all afternoon after getting home from daycare, sword fighting with me using broken plastic golf clubs and pretending he was a dragon. When all of a sudden, and throws the “sword” at the wall and screams, “Kaesan’s on the case!” while ripping his pants off. I was so surprised, and looked at him and said, “What in the world are you talking about?”
That was when he made the face. As a parent, you know the face I’m talking about. Where his eyebrows became AN eyebrow, his eyes half crossed, and he looked like he was doing my algebra homework he was so focused. Then, I knew. So I screamed to my grandparents who were there, “POOP! WE HAVE POOP!” scooped up my son like a sack of potatoes, and ran to the potty saying “hold it, hold it, hold it Kaesan!”
When I set him down in front of the toilet to take his diaper off as fast as I could, I had no idea I needed to prepare myself to laugh my butt off

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